ISRF | International Stuttering Research Foundation - Appointment - Education - Training


Right from the year 1995, we at Stuttering Foundation has treated over 15,000 individuals suffering from Stuttering disorder. We have witnessed various levels of severity of stutter, aspects that factor in such as age, personality, education, nationalities and even stutter patterns.

At Stuttering Foundation, we offer 24 programmes annually, of 6 days duration each. During this, individuals participating learn how to replace the defective muscle contractions that cause stuttering with new muscle behaviours that will help aid in fluent speech. This is further aided with structured learning techniques that improve the absorption and retention of these fluency skills.

With participant age from 12 upwards, with varying levels of severity, our Stuttering Foundation Fluency System is innovative in its approach using the latest development in the world of stuttering treatments. Right from innovative behaviour therapy to psychological treatments, we go to the roots of the stutter to identify the stutter pattern and treat it based on the diagnosis.

One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can’t utter.

Qualified therapist, administrators, students and volunteers

A well balanced mix of Speech Therapists, Administrators, Students and Volunteers make Stuttering Foundation a well rounded and capable organisation that is well equipped with treating as well as preventing stuttering.