Welcome to ISRF

Founded in the year 1995, Stuttering Foundation has paved a new path in the field of Stutter Prevention and treatment.

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ISRF | International Stuttering Research Foundation

Founded in the year 1995, Stuttering Foundation has paved a new path in the field of Stutter Prevention and treatment. One of the most misunderstood disabilities, stuttering affects 1% Indians, that is nearly 12.5 million people. Among children, especially under 14 years, the percentage is substantially higher at 5%. Despite decades of research, both basic and clinical, the causes are still largely unknown. A complex and a rarely discussed developmental disorder, stuttering ratio among adults is shockingly 1 women to 4 men.

ISRF | International Stuttering Research Foundation

At Stuttering Foundation, we offer you information, resources, tools and treatment to those who suffer from stuttering with additional support provided to their families as well. We try to find the root cause of stuttering in each patient through your one-on-one free consultation with the our therapists and their in-depth analysis and study of your life, habits and patterns. Here, our primary focus is on you and you alone.

ISRF | International Stuttering Research Foundation

A well balanced mix of Speech Therapists, Administrators, Students and Volunteers make Stuttering Foundation a well rounded and capable organisation that is well equipped with treating as well as preventing stuttering.

Let’s All Fight Stuttering Together

How We Are Different

With some of the brightest minds in the world beginning their life as stutterers, we at Stuttering Foundation provides you the means and the tools to prevent and treat stuttering.At Stuttering Foundation, we are committed towards educating not just the stutterer but the society at large about the complex nature of this disorder. Not to be taken lightly, not to be made fun off, Stuttering Foundation treats this disorder with the seriousness it deserves. Right from preventing the occurrence of stuttering in children to treating the disorder in adults, Stuttering Foundation gives you the courage to bring the words right to your lips and express them boldly and without fear!


With a focussed management team at work,we ensure that all our processes and treatments are kept in accordance with the highest global standards.Our management makes constant efforts to elevate the Foundation to the next level by keeping intact the passion and commitment to ensuring the Foundation’s important work of helping people with their motor speech and stuttering disorders. Under their exemplary leadership, we at the Stuttering Foundation strive to offer our novel brand of tutelage in care, education, research, and life skill improvement to help serve our clients better.

Our Team

A well balanced mix of Speech Therapists, Administrators, Students and Volunteers make Stuttering Foundation a well rounded and capable organisation that is well equipped with treating as well as preventing stuttering.Qualified therapist, administrators, students and volunteers are all expected to undergo a training that will help them and prepare them on the right way to approach and deal with an individual suffering from a stutter disorder. At Stuttering Foundation, we understand that its not just about having clinically accurate therapies but also about putting the individuals, be it children or adults, who come seeking help at ease and helping them open up about their thoughts and feeling on the disorder.

How it works?

As an individual approaching Stutter Foundation for help in treating or preventing stutter, it is only natural to be apprehensive. With our innovative behaviour therapy and psychological treatment programme, we offer you a treatment style that puts at ease.To prepare for the treatment, a detailed and intensive session with clinical speech therapist is recommended. Here, our therapist asks you to share your history, the first time you noticed the disorder, try to understand the circumstances that prompted the manifestation of the disorder.


Right from the year 1995, we at Stuttering Foundation has treated over 15,000 individuals suffering from Stuttering disorder. We have witnessed various levels of severity of stutter, aspects that factor in such as age, personality, education, nationalities and even stutter patterns.At Stuttering Foundation, we offer 24 programmes annually, of 6 days duration each. During this, individuals participating learn how to replace the defective muscle contractions that cause stuttering with new muscle behaviours that will help aid in fluent speech. This is further aided with structured learning techniques that improve the absorption and retention of these fluency skills.

Post -Treatment Support & Follow Up Training

After individuals undergo the therapy at Stuttering Foundation, our work does not stop there. We are wholly committed to the treatment with Post-Treatment Support and Follow Up Training.This allows the individuals who have undergone therapy to retain newly acquired fluency skills for a lifetime in addition to ensuring that continuous practice is key to perfecting the fluency skills learnt at the therapy sessions.


We respect your struggle and take it seriously.

As an organisation that believes in treating all individuals seeking help for stuttering fairly, we abide by certain core values that sets us apart from any other organisation.

Respect: We respect your struggle and take it seriously. We strive to tackle it with due diligence.


To understand about the history, we encourage honesty from our individuals seeking help for their stuttering disorder. We promise to give you an honest evaluation in return.


We trust you and your struggle with stuttering. Put your trust in us and walk hand in hand with us to tackle your disorder with all the resources at our disposal.


We applaud your courage to accept your disorder and seek help. We will not disappoint you and will be courageous in turn by putting our all our training to work to help your overcome your stutter.


With your trust placed in us, we are accountable to you to bring forth results with our therapies and tools. This in turn makes you accountable to give your 100% to our therapies and exercises.


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At Stuttering Foundation, we believe in equipping the next generation for the future in addition to educating the individuals who regularly interact with the person(s) suffering stuttering disorder.


One of the primary ways we feel that will help fuel their passion and commitment to preventing and treating stutter is offering research, training and internship opportunities.

When it comes to prevention of a stutter, usually early detection helps to stop the ascension of the disorder. With various workshops conducted in different parts of the city that makes the general public aware on how to identify early signs of a stutter, we at Stuttering Foundation are committed towards making aware and educating the public on the often misunderstood Stuttering disorder.


We encourage educators, family members and even any individual who regularly interacts with individuals who stutter to undergo our training. We understand the significant role that teachers and other educators play in the lives of young children who stutter. We regularly receive calls from teachers who are unsure on how to help children who stutter.


As Zora Neale Hurston says, “ Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”

Despite practitioners world over committed to finding the underlying causes of stuttering, we as a species have yet to discover the mystery that surrounds the cause of a stutter. With numerous speculations running rampant regarding the causes, no formal or certified explanation or proof is forthcoming.

Student Internship

Often we see students complete their studies and graduate out of their respective universities with a wealth of theoretical knowledge. But when it comes to practical or applicative knowledge.


Reviews From Our Clients

A significant number of our clientele, due to concerns regarding confidentiality, opt not to post reviews on Google

Emily Stephen
Stuttering Foundation Kochi really helped me develop new skills and strategies to cope with my stutter. Although I am still working on developing fluent speech everyday, I’m glad I got the opportunity to come here. Therapy program is absolutely fantastic. I Highly recommend this place to anyone who’s stuttering because they professionally know where the problem is in your speech and can help you succeed through this hard journey. .
Muhammed Sheriff
Its a good place to improve your speaking through speech therapy and breathing exercises.we can control our speech through speaking slowly.Its a different experience to be here and i am almost overcome my stammer.
Mohzin N S

I had been to stuttering foundation initially on 2014.
It had completely changed my life. Never thought a 4-5 day class could bring such a change in me.

Ansar Uddeen
100% satisfied
Rajasekar Karunanidhi

I had the opportunity to engage with the International Stuttering Research Foundation (ISRF) in Kochi, and I am truly impressed by their dedication and professionalism. Their comprehensive approach to supporting individuals who stutter is commendable.

Sunitha Balachandran

ISRF is making a real difference in the lives of those who stutter and their families. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking support, therapy, or research-backed solutions.

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Articles Right from ISRF


Frequently Asked Questions

Stuttering is an often misunderstood disorder with individuals reacting differently, be it as a person who has the stutter or as a person who is reacting to a person with a stutter. It is quite helpful to understand a few facts that can help you, whether you are someone who stutters or if you would like to know how to react or interact with a person who does stutter.

Help for stuttering may be available from speech pathologists who work in schools, hospitals, health clinics and private agencies. It’s best if individuals suffering from stuttering are treated by speech pathologists who are experienced in the treatment of stuttering.

Stuttering Foundation specializes in the treatment and prevention of stuttering and other communication challenges.

Self-help has a big plus. One is that even if you’re working alone, the fact that you are trying to help yourself shows your determination to not let stuttering run your life. If you bring that much determination to therapy, then your chances of success are vastly better than if you go to therapy hoping that the clinician will do something to you or for you that will make life easier.

What therapy can do is to help you to help yourself. A clinician can give you enough distance from your problems to get things into focus. No matter how determined you are to improve, it will be unnecessarily frustrating and slow if you don’t know how to go about helping yourself.

There are several things listeners can do to help the person who stutters.

- First, maintain natural eye contact. Just wait patiently and naturally until the person is finished. You may be tempted to finish sentences or fill in words but it is best not to do so because it can be very frustrating and demeaning for the speaker. 

- Refrain from giving advice such as slow down or take a deep breath. Such advice usually hinders rather than helps. It would be far more helpful if you yourself speak in a slow and relaxed way.

- Be aware that people who stutter usually have more trouble controlling their speech on the phone. Please be extra patient in this situation.

- In general, let the person know by your manner and actions that you are listening to what he or she is saying, rather than how he or she is saying it.

- Being a good listener is the most effective way you can help the person who stutters.

When parents have concerns about their child’s persistent stuttering, it is highly recommended that they contact a speech-language pathologist who has expertise in stuttering. At Stuttering Foundation, we have certified Speech pathologists with extensive training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of stuttering disorders.

Differential diagnosis is the key to effective early intervention. It is critical to have your child evaluated by a speech-language pathologist with fluency expertise in order to accurately determine whether your child’s disfluencies are normal or abnormal.

For the child who is showing clearly negative responses to stuttering, possibly with evident secondary behaviors such as pushing or struggling, it may be more appropriate for parents to respond to the speech difficulties in a manner that validates the child’s feelings.

We caution parents to limit how often they acknowledge moments of stuttering and to carefully choose only the most difficult speech situations to address. Teaching parents a more proactive approach empowers them and can cause dramatic changes in the progression of the disorder for many young children.

The most important thing to do when a child is stuttering is be a good communicator yourself. - Keep eye contact and give the child enough time to finish speaking.

- Try not to filling words or sentences . - Let the child know by your manner and actions that you are listening to what she says'not how she says it. - Model wait time ' taking two seconds before you answer a child's question ' and insert more pauses into your own speech to help reduce speech pressure. - These suggestions will benefit all of the children in your class.

- Do not make remarks like "slow down," "take a deep breath," "relax," or "think about what you're going to say, then say it." We often say these things to children because slowing down, relaxing, or thinking about what we are going to say helps us when we feel like we're having a problem tripping over our words. Stuttering, though, is a different kind of speaking problem and this kind of advice is simply not helpful to the child who stutters.